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52A Old London Road, Kingston, London KT2 6QF
Harley Street, London W1G
+44 7495 514855
Courses for you & your well-being
So we thought here at Promise why not give people the chance to master their problems by discovering the different ways to overcome them themselves. For some people seeing a Therapist can just feel that little bit too daunting, or perhaps you don't need this kind of help. Having your own course, is simply another way to overcome your difficulties. Each course begins by talking you through the problem that you are experiencing, each of us are different & so are our feelings, but by understanding more about what you are going through is a great first step. So it explores questions that you may have like, 'Why Me?' 'What keeps my problems going?' Helping you to make sense of what has happened to you. You will get to learn about Cognitive Behavioural Therapy & the different ways that it can help you to overcome what you are facing. Learning & trying out yourself the different tools & techniques, you will get to discover that life can feel better. Cognitive Behaviour Therapy isn't a complicated kind of therapy; you will see this when you begin reading & when writing in your journals. Learning that you are not alone can make a difference too. There are no exams or tests to take, but there are exercises that can help you keep track of your progress, so that you can see how far you have come.
You may like to have the support of a Therapist or a Peer Listener with your course. With instant messaging with your course, this person would guide you through every step of the way & you can talk with them every day if this helps. Having this kind of personal guidance & encouragement, whenever & wherever you need it, could really help. You don't need to have any kind of special software either, you can talk with us here, securely, with our instant messaging.
Receiving your course is quick & easy, just go to our Get Started page, click your course into your shopping cart & we'll get it out to you with e-mail. If you would like the support of a Therapist or Peer Listener whom you can talk with, with instant messaging, click this into your shopping cart & a Therapist or Peer Listener will get back to you the same day. If you are unsure about the kind of course or support you would like, then we would happily talk you through which of them feels right for you. Just go to our Get in Touch page & let us know.
Emotional Well-Being
Mastering Anxiety Ways to Overcome Worry & Fear
Mastering Anger & Irritability
Using a Cognitive Behavioural Therapy approach these courses offer a step by step guide of learning more about your difficulties, helping you understand better how they may have developed over time & ways for you to master your problems for your recovery. Many people experience these kinds of difficulties, after all, they are part of what makes us human. You will get the chance to learn how other people with similar issues to you have learnt to master their problems & re-build their life again. Having your own journal & work sheets will help you to learn different & better ways to think & feel, whilst keeping track of your progress too. It's here that you will be using Cognitive Behaviour Therapy techniques, which are easy to understand & proven to really help people overcome these kinds of problems. Discovering your own strength & resilience gives you the chance to feel confident & believe that life can be different.
Understanding & Overcoming
Overcoming Depression
Discovering Self-Esteem & Building Resilience
Making sense of Unusual Experiences Understanding & Overcoming psychosis
Self-Harm, finding Another Way through
Learning of your diagnosis or perhaps that of a loved one, can feel an overwhelming & sometimes devastating experience. Or perhaps you have a sense of relief that you now know what it is you are dealing with. These courses talk you through the kinds of things that doctors would look out for when making a diagnosis. Having a diagnosis doesn't have to define you, after all there are many different explanations as to these difficulties & the medical approach is just one of many. Learning that your problems & your experiences could be a very understandable response to difficult times, can help lift feelings of shame & hurt. Using a Cognitive Behavioural Approach, you will get to understand better the development of your difficulties, the kinds of things that can keep them going, looking at the way you think & feel, your beliefs & other psychological & behavioural strategies to help you to master your problems. Finding out about how other people have overcome these emotional problems can help you feel less alone & give you a feeling of hope that you can recover.
Living with & Beyond
Living the Mindful Way
Mindfulness has its roots in the far East, from ancient Buddhist practice; but you don't have to be a Buddhist or even have any beliefs to practice being Mindful. Mindfulness helps you to stay in the present moment & to accept yourself for who you are without criticism or judgment. After all, we can spend so much of our time not being aware of what's happening right now. Our minds can be filled with so much worry or anxious thinking or perhaps we feel stuck in the past, beating ourselves up with what could have been or what we should have done. You may find that you are really battling with your thoughts, or trying to push them away. In the end, this can make us feel much worse. It's as if our mind really does have a mind of its own. Before we know it, we can be left feeling so down, upset or angry, without truly understanding how we got to feel this way. Using a Cognitive Mindfulness Approach this course talks you through ways to become mindful in your own life, from practicing different meditations & breath techniques with your CD, to learning more about the way that you think & feel. You will discover that staying with your emotions, can slow your mind down & gives you the chance to step aside from these loops of thinking. In doing so you give yourself the space to think about things differently & act differently too. Mindfulness can help not just emotional difficulties but also with physical problems too.
Life Style & Knowledge
Sleep Better Discovering a Good Night's Sleep
Think Good, Feel Good Twelve steps for Healthy Living
Becoming Assertive
Life can sometimes bring along all kinds of problems that can really get in the way of healthy & happy living. The truth is that there are many things that you can learn about & try out to help you feel in the driving seat of your life again. A good first step is understanding more about what it is you are facing, it's only then that we can think about ways to master our problems. Using a Cognitive Behavioural Therapy approach & the latest research these courses talk you through psychological & behavioural strategies you can put into place to make things better. It's by trying out new things, like establishing personal goals for ourselves & learning the ways to achieve them, whilst navigating the road blocks that we get to see our confidence grow. With your own journal & work sheets you will learn the ways to think & feel differently. For Sleep Better & Think Good, Feel Good, you will have your CD to help you along your way. So why not discover ways to feel more in control & start making real change for a happier you.
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